
Welcome to Enhanced Investment Partners LLC.

We are a domestic equity investment strategy firm focused upon providing our proprietary dynamic domestic equity investment overlay methodology to suitable investment portfolios and organizations.

Within this site, we introduce our approach todynamic portfolio reallocation and rebalancing methodology, using both active andpassive investment vehicles, such as separately managed accounts (SMA’s), exchange traded funds (ETF’s), comingled funds, index funds and mutual funds.

The Equity Investment Rotation (EIR) methodology is founded in proven, prudent, quantitative investment discipline and is NOT a short term trading strategy.

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You will find our approach to be a prudent, logical, consistent investment methodology, founded in research of domestic equity style and market capitalizationthat combines thorough documented quantitative analysis with current and historic trend analysis and econometric modeling.

It is our intent that this site and the Rowpyn web site to become a growing resource for those who are interested in equity rotation and in the growing professional investment literature supporting the equity rotation approach. We will provide access to articles papers and postings by independent authors that are relevant to equity investment rotation and to our other investment strategies.

We are excited about your interest in Enhanced and we look forward to discussing our history of above-benchmark results with you.

If you wish to discuss our research and results further, or would like additional information please contact us. Best regards, and please enjoy, (sgd) Robert B. Rowe Jr. CIMA Founder & Managing Partner