The below downloadable document(s) contain summary narratives and performance benchmarks of the Enhanced Moderate Active Fund, as researched, analyzed, and compiled through the eVestment platform. The document will either present results gross of all fees and expenses, or net of all fees and expenses.
Investment performance and analysis of the Enhanced Alternative Income Investment Funds, including downloadable reports, can be found on the Enhanced Hedge Partners web site.
In the domestic equity market, a growth or value equity investment style has been favored during certain periods of a market cycle versus the opposing equity style, and has lasted for extended periods. The same statement holds true where a large cap or small cap equity investment style has been favored during certain periods of a market cycle versus the opposing equity capitalization size, which also has lasted for extended periods.
Investment style dominance has typically prevailed across all capitalization sizes, with the same holding true for investment capitalization dominance.
Since 1978 versus the S&P 500, the Enhanced Dynamic® domestic equity investment methodology has achieved statistically significant annualized excess returns, adjusted for volatility, in back-tested studies using the Wilshire large and small cap indexes.
Since 1978 versus the S&P 500, Enhanced Dynamic® has also demonstrated statistically significant annualized excess returns, adjusted for volatility, in back-tested studies using the Wilshire growth and value indexes.
In fact, since 1978, as shown through every empirical academic study and our internal back-tests, the Enhanced Dynamic® methodology has consistently delivered higher risk-adjusted results through all investment cycles with indexes, and these results increased considerably when utilizing independent, active, style adherent, domestic equity managers.
We expect to increase a portfolio’s overall domestic equity returns, with equal or lower volatility than the market, by combining the results of active equity style and cap size management, applied strategically (not tactically) over a full market cycle.
The Enhanced Dynamic® investment methodology may be incorporated within existing domestic equity portfolios with minimal dislocation of current style adherent portfolio managers and investment structures, and without significant additional expenses.
We are experienced in applying Enhanced Dynamic® with independent, style adherent, active equity managers, along with index funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), collective trust funds, and mutual funds.
The depth or degree of style and cap size adherence of the investment management vehicles will be an important determinant in the success and benefit of the Enhanced Dynamic® methodology within a client portfolio.
Equity portfolios are expected to remain fully invested at all times. This is not a tactical market timing program.
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