Enhanced Investment Partners

Providing Prudent and Liquid, Institutionally-Focused, Alternative Income Solutions

Enhanced Dynamic® Moderate Active and Passive Funds

Introduction to the Enhanced Dynamic® Moderate Active Funds

The Enhanced Dynamic Moderate Active Funds are domestic equity funds employing independent active managers, strategically allocated according to the Enhanced Dynamic® methodology, within a prudent and fiduciarily sound investment fund structure.  The funds are particularly suitable for corporate retirement funds, endowments, foundations, and reasonably conservative domestic equity portfolios.

Preference for employing active, style adherent, domestic equity managers over index funds is due to the fact that active equity managers will generate significantly higher risk-adjusted returns when their style is in-favor, net of all fees and expenses, versus comparable style and cap size benchmarks and traditional alternative index vehicles over full market cycles.  We evaluate and select style adherent active equity managers when performance records equal or exceed their appropriate style benchmarks when their style is in-favor, according to the Enhanced Dynamic® methodology.

Introduction to the Enhanced Dynamic® Moderate Passive Funds

The Enhanced Dynamic Moderate Passive Funds (S&P All Market Series) are based on a strategically managed domestic equity index approach, utilizing the Enhanced Dynamic® methodology with the S&P index family. The methodology is suitable for use with most style adherent, institutional level, investment vehicles, such as the Standard & Poor’s index family, and similar style adherent investment indices and vehicles.

Investment performance and analysis of the Enhanced Dynamic Moderate Active & Passive Funds can be found on our performance page. For more information about these funds, please contact us.

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