Providing Prudent and Liquid, Institutionally-Focused, Alternative Income Solutions
Enhanced Alternative Income Investment Funds
Introduction to the
Enhanced Alternative Income Investment Funds
The Enhanced Alternative Income Investment Funds are prudent, liquid, and stable value alternative income solutions, intended to complement and support the intermediate term cash management needs of the mid-market and institutional investors. The funds’ underlying structure is an actively managed, non-directional, market neutral, equity portfolio consisting of liquid U.S. stocks and ETFs with portfolio exposures generally of 100% long and 100% short.
The Enhanced Alternative Income Investment Funds are structured to be non-correlated to equity and fixed income markets while providing liquidity, transparency, capital preservation, and long-term growth as fundamental guiding principles. Funds are to remain fully invested in both the long and short portfolios throughout all market cycles. The heart of the Enhanced Alternative Income Investment Funds is the application of the Enhanced Dynamic® methodology.