There are times in the domestic equity markets, where Growth styled investments will be more productive (and profitable) than Value styled investing. There are other times, when Value styled investing is more productive (and profitable) than Growth oriented investments. The same general principles apply with stock market capitalizations, where at times Large Cap stock investing is more profitable and productive then Small Cap stock investments, while at other periods Small Cap stock investments are more profitable then Large Cap stock investing.
The genesis of the Enhanced Dynamic® concept evolved from our collective investment consulting business experience. We found that all too often, after hiring a very successful investment manager with a great 3-5 year track record that same manager would often (1-3 years later) be terminated due to their underperformance, relative to the same standard index benchmarks they had so consistently exceeded. We found the general cause of this underperformance was NOT the manager changing his style, or techniques of equity management, but was often the market had changed around them, where their style or cap size or both, were no longer in vogue.
The Enhanced Dynamic® methodology identifies these shifts within the marketplace by using quantitative analysis, analytical studies along with micro and macro-economic tools, which then indicate the adjustments and tilts necessary to maintain the most productive and profitable positioning within the style and cap size classes of domestic equity portfolios.
These changes are strategic, and by design of the algorithm models, the most frequently a repositioning of a portfolio will occur is once in any 12 month period of time. Enhanced Dynamic® is NOT a stock timing, trading or tactical asset allocation model. It is expected that all portfolios remain fully invested for the entire equity market cycles. The Enhanced Dynamic® methodology is a dynamic, prudent, fiduciarily sound domestic equity allocation methodology, which is intended to reduce portfolio volatility while increasing portfolio returns.
The Enhanced Dynamic® methodology is the culmination of decades of experience directing portfolio assets for individuals, retirement plans and institutions. It stands on the current and proven best–practices in the financial services industry. Independent research organizations academics and Investment professionals and practitioners have found our process and results to be accurate and repeatable.
Many firms have attempted to incorporate tactical and strategic modelling into their in-house investment pools and co-mingled funds, but due to the lack of proven, consistent and accurate guidance, these “all-market” or “all-weather” funds have generally delivered inconsistent and sub-par performance, resulting in general under-performance in the equity portfolio.